Mission Statement
The mission statement of Sek eins Höfe forms the basis of our work and contains the central characteristics of modern schooling. Its focus is on the work with the pupils, the educational orientation and the professional quality of the teaching. Targeted further development helps us to ensure and increase the quality of our schooling.
The mission statement is divided into four areas:
- Values and Attitude
- Teaching and Learning
- Community and Cooperation
- Environment and Contacts
Rapid social change means our mission statement needs to be examined regularly. We want to incorporate changing framework conditions, new developments and research results into our mission statement. This will enable us to ensure our school continues to provide outstanding quality over the long term.
Values and Attitude
We organise our school on the basis of mutual respect and educate the young people entrusted to us to become open and responsible individuals.
An appreciative approach creates a positive school culture. It enables holistic and successful learning, promotes cooperation and the development of independent people and also leads to identification with our school.
Areas of action:
- We are friendly and respectful towards one another.
- We cultivate an open and honest culture of discussion.
- We abide by the agreed rules.
- We shape the school building as a place of encounters.
- We organise events across classes, levels and school buildings.
- We approach challenges in a manner appropriate to the situation.
Teaching and Learning
In our school we create stimulating learning environments in which encouraging and challenging are the central activities of teaching.
A positive learning atmosphere promotes learning, increases both willingness to learn and performance, and thus supports educational development. This process is supported by the use of various teaching methods. In view of the requirements of the working world and secondary level education, the focus is on independent learning.
Areas of action:
- We define clear goals according to the curriculum and implement them.
- We design learning environments that take into account the existing strengths of the pupils.
- We attach importance to "learning to learn".
- We encourage our pupils to think and act on their own initiative.
- We use internal and external sources of teaching and learning.
- We continue to learn and develop.
Community and Cooperation
We bear joint responsibility for the development of our school. Mutual respect and openness form the basis of our daily school life.
All those involved work together. They support each other, take responsibility and make their contribution towards the quality and further development of our school.
Areas of action:
- We align ourselves with the goals of our mission statement and plan our actions accordingly.
- We show mutual interest in our work and give constructive feedback. We advise and support.
- We evaluate our work.
- We encourage pupils to take the initiative in helping to shape their school.
- We all contribute towards ensuring an effective school organisation.
Environment and Contacts
We maintain contact with those responsible for education and upbringing and inform the public about our work.
School is part of our society. Cooperation among those responsible for education and upbringing as well as providing information to the public are a matter of course for us.
Areas of action:
- We maintain contact with parents and guardians, public authorities, schools that receive pupils from or who forward them to other schools, as well as other institutions that are important for our school.
- We use the various options available to us for exchanging information.
- We make our work transparent for legal guardians.
- If necessary, we call in specialists for support.