talent ausserschwyz Sek eins Höfe

talent ausserschwyz

«talent ausserschwyz» is an offer for athletically or musically talented young people from Ausserschwyz. The sponsors of «talent ausserschwyz» are the two secondary schools Sek eins Höfe and Sek 1 March.

«talent ausserschwyz» is part of the Schwyz elementary school and free of charge for talented young people from both districts. The learning material and learning objectives are based on cantonal requirements. The «talent ausserschwyz» timetable enables ambitious talented youngsters to combine top talent and school performance. Young talents benefit from fewer school lessons (25 instead of 34-35), giving them more time for the time-consuming development of their specific talent. «talent ausserschwyz» works closely with partner organisations from the respective talent areas as well as with the parents of the talented youngsters. This is the only way to achieve exceptional performance; we look forward to the joint challenges!

For further information please visit our website: talentausserschwyz.ch