Secondary (middle) School Profile A bilingual
Sek eins Höfe has been running bilingual classes since the 2016/17 school year. Launched as ‘Sekpro’, the secondary (middle) school Profile A bilingual was introduced in August 2021 with a slightly adapted concept. The bilingual classes are held at the two locations Riedmatt in Wollerau and Weid in Pfäffikon.
Like regular secondary (middle) school classes Profile A, the bilingual programme offers comprehensive preparation for the transition to vocational high school apprenticeships, to grammar school (possible with bilingual Swiss Federal Baccalaureate), and to higher secondary level schools. Specific additional courses in languages, mathematics and technology are open to all high-achieving and motivated middle school pupils.
Bilingual classes are held in accordance with the legal requirements of the Canton of Schwyz
Target group of the secondary (middle) school Profile A bilingual
The target group of the bilingual secondary school are highly-motivated and high-achieving pupils who transfer from primary school to the public secondary school in the Höfe district. They show age-appropriate, well-developed competencies such as independence, self-confidence, personal achievement, motivation and interest.
Curriculum and syllabus
The teaching content is based on Curriculum 21 of the Canton of Schwyz. The competences to be achieved correspond to those of the ‘Norm’ secondary (middle) school Profile A classes. Because some subjects are taught in English, the pupils acquire additional language skills.
Curriculum 21, the flexibilisation of the timetable and the pedagogical concept ‘Ich bi parat!’ (I'm ready!) enable the individual promotion of subject-specific and interdisciplinary skills. Sek eins Höfe makes use of the leeway offered by the flexibilised timetable, particularly for the secondary (middle) school Profile A bilingual.
Subjects taught bilingually
The subjects mathematics, RZG (Spaces, Times, Societies) and nature and technology are mainly taught in English. Other subjects, such as music, sport, visual arts or an elective in English, can also be taught partly in English.
Admission and recommendations
The parents/guardians register their child for the bilingual secondary school at Sek eins Höfe. In principle, all children who have been assigned to the secondary (middle) school Profile A can register for the bilingual programme.
For the pupils of the secondary (middle) school bilingual Profile A, the fact that they have to be able to understand and apply learning material in various subjects in German and English requires a high degree of ability and willingness to perform.
The bilingual programme is open to students who...
- live in the district of Höfe
- received assignment for secondary (middle) school Profile A
- who are able and willing to perform well at school independently and with motivation
- enjoy the English language
- want to achieve good school results independently and with motivation
For young people with English as their first or family language, we recommend the “Norm” secondary (middle) school Profile A.
School location and class allocation
The school location and class allocation guidelines of Sek eins Höfe apply to all pupils.
- Balanced class sizes at all school locations as far as possible
- Geographical distance from the school
- If a pupil cannot be enrolled at his or her place of residence, then at least one pupil from the same district should be assigned to the same class (pay attention to the district to which the pupil belongs)
- Reasoned recommendation from the Department of School Psychology (ASP) or Triaplus (Schwyz Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)
- No preferential treatment will be given to requests from parents submitted in advance
- In the 3rd school year, there is usually a bilingual class at the Weid site in Pfäffikon.
The pupils demonstrate strong subject-specific and interdisciplinary competences for remaining in profile A. Accordingly, they achieve consistently high ratings in various forms of assessment and on various occasions. The holistic assessment of the class and subject teachers forms the basis for the school career decision and thus the decision to remain in the bilingual secondary school Profile A.
Transfer from and to the standard secondary classes is guaranteed in accordance with cantonal requirements.
The admission of pupils during the lower secondary level is possible at the following dates:
- End of the 1st semester of the 1st school year
- End of 2nd school year
Transfer to the lower secondary level is based on the holistic assessment in the primary school. In case of disagreement about the allocation (middle school or intermediate middle school), a decision is made after hearing all parties involved at the request of the primary school head:
- District School Board
- Government Council of the Canton of Schwyz
The local school management decides on reclassification after the 1st semester of the 1st secondary (middle) school Profile A and after the end of the 2nd year. The first instance of appeal is the district school board.
School report
The academic performance record for the secondary (middle) school Profile A bilingual is based on the cantonal certificate form. The holistic assessment is based on the Sek eins Höfe guidelines to the cantonal assessment regulations.
A supplementary sheet is attached to the school report, on which the characteristics of the secondary (middle) school Profile A bilingual are explained in a few sentences and the affiliation to the bilingual class Profile A is shown. Additional certificates of achievement, for example language certificates, are documented separately.
Sign up
Registration deadline: 31 January
Natural Investigation Workshops for 6th graders
Are you interested in natural wonders and phenomena of our earth? Together with other 6th graders from the Höfe district, you will explore the fascination of the 4 elements water, earth, fire and air in the laboratory and outdoors. The researcher language is English. You don't have to be perfect in English, but bring joy and curiosity.